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  • 76.1% of all US public schools already prohibit the non-academic use of cellphones.
  • 40 US states have school districts that implemented firm restrictions such as lockers and pouches.
  • 1 in 5 students already uses AI-enabled tools like ChatGPT for schoolwork.

Teachers and administrators have a challenging task. Educating students while competing for their attention. Banning the use of phones can serve a short-term reset. However, to truly equip students with skills to thrive alongside intelligent technology requires a holistic effort - in alignment with parents.

We enable school districts in establishing digital wellbeing for their community - teaching parents, students and staff ways to thrive alongside technology without becoming steamrolled by it.


Our Offerings

Typically, we consult and support digital wellness initiatives originating from the offices of the District Superintendent, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) or Head of School.

Students in class

Digital Wellbeing @ School

We enable school district communities (parents, staff and students) to embrace digital wellness principles at home, school and in the community. This could include:

  • Co-designing mobile and AI-use policy alongside school, parent and student leadership.
  • Engaging Parent Teacher Associations (PTA) to ensure open feedback loops.
  • Delivering Parent & Staff Digital Wellness enablement, using our proprietary curriculum.

Our work extends from elementary schools all the way to high schools and can be customized based on the needs of the community the school serves, and their mission.

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