At Work. At Home. At School.

  • Beyond Counting Screentime Work and life now share the same screens. Simply counting hours in front of a screen is inadequate and insufficient. We want to make digital wellness as quantifiable as blood pressure.
  • Human at the Center We build our framework amplifying innately human traits. The answer to digital wellness is not another app, but in learning how to thrive alongside technology.
  • Technology Agnostic Today, the struggle is with social media and attention-monetizing apps. Soon, it'll be about AI-powered persuasive apps, VR-enabled realities. We're technology optimists and want to enable users to thrive alongside technology broadly - not in any one specific format.
No one taught us


  • Assessment: What are your digital habits and your relationship with technology? Our unique assessment is the first and pivotal part of our solution.
  • Choice Score: You can't change what you can't measure. We developed the Choice Score to go beyond counting screentime hours.
  • Booster Workshop: Whether you learn at work with your colleagues, in school with your classmates or receive 1:1 coaching - our workshops help you improve your baseline relationship with technology and help you reclaim control over your digital habits.


We are privileged to have worked and supported a diverse set of customers. Our clients include large multinational organizations (such as Microsoft); Startups (such as MindTude); public institutions (such as King County Public Library System) and parent groups (such as Seattle Home School Group). In addition to these, we've worked directly with youth and parents who are curious about fostering a healthy relationship with technology.

In addition, we are proud to be an advisory member to Boston Children's Inspired Internet Pledge - through the Digital Wellness Lab.

Inspired Internet Pledge Advisory Member

Our Founder: Riz Vazir

Riz Vazir Profile

Riz Vazir has a deep background in tech and healthcare consulting. He founded Scroll By Choice to address a health crisis caused as collateral damage from the unrestricted monetization of human attention.

His mission is to equip youth and adults to thrive alongside technology. Without this, employers face diminished human capital, schools will continue seeing a decline in academic performance and loneliness levels will rise in society at large. Riz is a certified Change Management professional with an MBA from th Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern.